Tiniest Technical Trouble Can Spell Random Catastrophe For A Person & Their Loved Ones – IMRAN™

One killed as Southwest Airlines’ Boeing jet makes emergency landing in Philadelphia

I was saddened to read this breaking #news from NBC News. “One killed as Southwest AirlinesBoeing jet makes emergency landing in Philadelphia“.
The cause is not yet unknown and I am no aviation accident expert, but the photos show some sort of apparent catastrophic engine failure shredding the engine and pieces of it ripping into the cabin.
I regularly fly #Southwest in and out of LaGuardia Airport so I can imagine how random this was and how it could happen to anybody.
RIP lost fellow flier that lost their life today.
I wonder if #Trump will take responsibility for this considering he claimed credit for there being no airline fatalities last year.

©2018 IMRAN


#aviation #tragedy #accident #flying #airlines #Boeing #opinion

Cancer, Life, Death, Cure, All Matters Of Timing & Society’s Priorities – IMRAN™

It made me think of how many people lost too young could be saved if money was invested in medical science and research instead of on the creation of death machines by governments and on even more frivolous things by individuals.

I have had family members die due to cancer in Pakistan. In the USA a girlfriend of mine died of cancer aged 30 nearly 25 years ago.

Ironically, it was exactly the kind of cancer the young lady in the story below was able to be saved from. “Experimental Cancer Therapy That Targets Genes Gives Patients Hope,” reports Washington Post.

A lot in life, disease, cure or death is a matter of genes and pure fate & luck. A random exposure to something can bring about the start of a deadly condition. An equally random or accidental event in a lab can find a miracle cure for deadly disease.

It made me think of how many people lost too young could be saved if money was invested in medical science and research instead of on the creation of death machines by governments and on even more frivolous things by individuals.

How great would it be if sleazy politicians did not yank away health insurance and medical benefits from the poor to give tax breaks to the already super-rich. I would love to pay lower taxes, but not if I know it came from leaving the poor and suffering to die for lack of money and insurance.

How wonderful would it be if the sickeningly rich people buying stupid and ugly paintings for $110 Million instead spent that money on hospitals and cancer research centers. I would be quite happy to see that even if they put their names on top of the buildings in gold letters with neon lights (though my sense of aesthetics would possibly require hospitalization).

Any doctors and healthcare professionals reading this, what do you think of this therapy? And others,including those who have lost someone to cancer, what do you think about my point above?

Imran Anwar

© 2017 IMRAN

On Procrastination, 24+ Hours Awake Binges & TGIF Inspiration – IMRAN™

Forget doing better tomorrow.. Make the rest of today, make the rest of this hour, even make this minute, a better use of time than the previous.

One of my worst weaknesses (yes, shocking that I have even one, right? LOL) all my life has been procrasti….. wait a second, let me install this hot new software first… OK… I am back… yes, as I was saying… procrastination. I am kidding about installing the software (or am I ? LOL).. but you get the idea.

The one flaw of my many which has let me… or, I should say, that I have let keep me from doing all that I need, want, aim, dream and hope to achieve in my life. I have probably only hit 1-2% of all that God gave my potential for, and it is a crying shame that it is so little because of the one weakness which I allow to get the better of me.

One way I have compensated for the many days of my life I was not productive is doing things in binges… Just like watching Netflix‘s The House Of Cards 13 episodes per season within 2-3 nights, I will sometimes go 24-36 hours on a productivity binge.

That is what I ended up doing last night when I took this selfie this morning. As Friday dawns over the Great South Bay outside my windows at home on Long Island, with merely 2 weeks left in what was one of the fastest flying years I can remember, I am taking time to reflect.

The good thing on such 24-36 hour days is that I will get a lot done, but the down side is that each time, each darn time, I kick myself about how this or that could have been done weeks, or even months ago. And, as many of you are all too familiar, I am sure, you too end up swearing off procrastination, “Never Again!” Until, of course, we do it the very next day or week.

We may not always overcome every weakness, but at least committing to fight it is a step forward. Not just a promise to make in new year’s resolutions, not just in promising ourselves to try to make tomorrow better, but to doing it Now!… Forget doing better tomorrow.. Make the rest of today, make the rest of this hour, even make this minute, a better use of time than the previous.

That is a fresh start without having to wait for a new year… That is a chance to begin anew even as our lives hurtle towards an end we all will reach sooner or later. No matter what time is left available to use, let us promise to make better use of it.

May God give us the strength to overcome our weaknesses and the tenderness to forgive ourselves and others for what we fail to achieve due to them. As long as we promise “I can and will do better” … we will!

© 2016 IMRAN™

Dreamy Dusk Pink Pastel Panorama – IMRAN™ 

Make You Very Cross/Word Game. National Scrabble Day. – IMRAN™

The same day that is Thomas Jefferson’s birthday, April 13, is also known as National Scrabble Day.

(Inter)National Sibling Day. – IMRAN™

Even though none of my family members are here in the United States with me, this photo taken 21 years ago at our blessed home in Lahore, Pakistan, is a great reminder of what is important in life.

Double Trouble! – IMRAN™

I saw these dual storm cloud type formations seeming to emerge from the same point West-South-West of my home, seeming to want to engulf me from all sides.

Shooting (Into & For The) Stars! – IMRAN™

I am blessed to see shooting stars on a fairly regular basis since I was a kid. But at least twice in my life, both times walking to the beach on the boardwalk of my blessed Long Island home, where I am writing these words, I saw such massive shooting stars, which stayed visible for literally 5-10 seconds each, they left me gasping for breath in amazement and excitement.

I love flying. And I love even more visions of the universe, like shuddering lovers and shooting stars. 

So I appreciated the video of a pilot flying over Manhattan capturing a shooting star in front of his plane. But as I was just going to post the video link, I realized something so profound that I shuddered in emotion at the incredible thoughts I felt, which I am sharing with you as they fill my soul.

I am blessed to see shooting stars on a fairly regular basis since I was a kid. But at least twice in my life, both times walking to the beach on the boardwalk of my blessed Long Island home, where I am writing these words, I saw such massive shooting stars, which stayed visible for literally 5-10 seconds each, they left me gasping for breath in amazement and excitement.

The most recent one was experienced while a beautiful beloved and I walked holding hands to my spot of magical memories on the private beach, on a late fall evening recently, when we were stunned by the sight which we were able to soak into our souls, and then commemorate, as two specks of living dust glowing forever, at the beach, under starlight, with our afterglow radiating and filling the vast emptiness of space with an explosive release of sizzling white-hot shooting photons of passion that some distant galaxy’s inhabitants may see one day millions of years in the future, and be amazed at how significantly we mortal human beings, insignificant in the scope of the universe, loved those significant to us.

The universal ultimate in exhibitionism, beyond what the human eye can see or any living voyeur today can experience. Magic stains left on fabric of time and space, for eternity…..

The previous time the shooting star had been even more massive… almost a poetic Armageddon sized fireball. I was on the phone with a then-girlfriend, and I literally was yelling “Oh my God, Oh MY God. Oh my God that shooting star is so massive falling out of the sky…”

Then it actually exploded, in a blaze of glory and left an even longer thinner streak of its probably millions of years of existence erased within seconds for possibly just Me, a mere mortal, to have witnessed in the entire universe at that moment!

What a moment… the infinitely long life of that starry object ending in just a few seconds of my much shorter human lifetime, but etched in my mind for all eternity, burned into the cosmos for even when I am nothing but a streak of light in the sky, when it is my time to turn into dust and starlight, just like the visions and passion of all those deep penetrating unions with my precious beloveds, consummated during hard daylight hours and in moist velvety nights, each a gift from the heavens, unwrapped, unsealed, probed, explored, experienced and resealed with a kiss, at the beach under starlight which will continue to travel through the universe forever, at the speed of love, and light.

God speed to us, my loves.

Imran Anwar
Long Island, NY
Feb 6, 2016


i/Robot Vs i(Need3)Robot(s)! – IMRAN™

When the lapdog henchmen treasonous military officials under dead dog dictator General Zia had me arrested and court martial(ed) for being a student leader opposed to his CIA-backed….

When the lapdog henchmen treasonous military officials under dead dog dictator General Zia had me arrested and court martial(ed) for being a student leader opposed to his CIA-backed, US-funded, fundamentalist-creating, government, I was among several people thrown in Kot Lakhpat Prison, in Lahore, Pakistan… of course after being beaten up quite well by 6 cops, sentenced ostensibly to 2 years hard labor without any defense allowed by some two-bit colonel in Summary Military Court (SMC37), shackled and thrown off a truck on reaching prison…the amazing thing was how my mind immediately started looking forward to making that a positive experience. I immediately decided I would request 3 things to be sent to me.

These would be sheets of paper and some pens so I could write a book (still not done since 1982 LOL), learn to play #music (with the ground breaking Casio VL-1) and, yes, a Rubik’s Cube so I could learn to solve it. In the decades since, I wrote a lot but did not actually publish a book, I made a music CD but did not actually learn to play piano or guitar, but one thing I did not even get to try much… the Cube.

Good thing I waited so long, as you can see from this video, when even a rudimentary robot can effortlessly solve it. Auto-Melody and Accompaniment & Tune programs already exist in music, making untalented people like me sound tolerable. Now all I have to do is wait for the one that will take all my writings, organize them and publish a couple of books for me. LOL

Imran Anwar


One of these days I will prioritize my list of weaknesses, to see which ones to find and evaluate tools to overcome next. [wink].

I recently saw a good post on Medium about a poster that author saw on the FaceBook campus… “Ruthless Prioritization”.

That is a great topic of extraordinary significance to me. I have countless ideas. I even get started on dozens.

Yet, my actual productivity, not just output, but effective productivity that gets things done, that brings goals closer to reality, can often be drowned in my desire to organize, prioritize and optimize my tools rather than in doing what needs to get done.

Cal it procrastination, call is avoidance, call it laziness, call it stupidity, but the end result is the same…

Dreams remain dreams, and things do not get done until months later, when I kick myself seeing how easily I could have done them way back when.

One simple rule I am still trying to teach myself is…. 

Prioritize DOING SOMETHING (Anything!) Over PRIORITIZING!!

It is too easy to become OCD about prioritizing types of things important to us, then prioritizing projects within those, then tasks within those.

I find the ONLY days I get ANYTHING done is when I pick up and DO SOMETHING, ANYTHING, and literally get on a roll of getting things done.

Otherwise, I have spent one-third of my productive life investigating and evaluating tools, one-third installing and optimizing them, and one-third prioritizing things in them… leaving a big fat 0.0% of my time to DO *anything* out of what I need to achieve. 

That is still one of the single biggest weaknesses I have…

One of these days I will prioritize my list of weaknesses, to see which ones to find and evaluate tools to overcome next. [wink].

What do you think? Do you have this problem? How do you overcome it?